Now, many school carry out a school trip in Geopark. The school trip is handled as school events mainly. Because all school education is provided along a National course of study that the government decided.
The subject to learn “Geopark” is not set in a course of study. Therefore, the learning of Geopark is not carried out positively.
However, the learning material in Geopark is excellent as science and society. Students can learn about the local history and regional industry too. Such learning is made much of in the guidelines on UNESCO Global Geoparks Network. It is more necessary for us to tell the true value of Geopark to school.
So, we made some textbooks for school trip. The contents of these texts are related to science and society to learn at school.
We considered it is important that teachers want to use these textbooks and these textbooks help teachers. So, we made these textbooks along two concepts.
- Textbook include learning contents of the subject along the course of study.
- Textbook include information for teachers to lead their students.
And…Everyone can download it from Web FREE !
Textbook for school trip (about volcano)
Let’s feel the Change of the Earth in Mt.Usu !
Connected with learning contents of unit “Formation and change of land” of the 6th grade’s science.
Contents arranged along the learning process of school trip from pre-learning to post-learning.
There are some some informations for teachers to lead their students.
Download Page (Written in Japanese)
Textbook for school trip (about ancient history)
Let’s feel the wisdom of ancient people !
Connected with learning contents “Research to ancient history and heritage ” of the 6th grade’s society.
Contents arranged along the learning process of school trip from pre-learning to post-learning.
There are some informations for teachers to lead their students.
Textbook for school trip (about vegetation)
Let’s study the Birth and Transition of the Forest in Mt.Usu !
Connected with learning contents “Vegetation and transition” of the basic biology studying to learn in high school.
The textbook will help the student doing research activity by oneself.
Download Page (Written in Japanese)